
Monday, November 19, 2012

Living Sychrondestiny: Day 15

Just the title of today's meditation has me wondering, "What does Sychrodestiny" mean?  By looking at the parts of the word, I guess it to mean same time appointed.  In the email today, Deepak Chopra defines synchrodestiny as "harnessing the power of everyday coincidences to help you realize your long-held dreams."

Chopra sent this information for us:
1. Centering Thought: "As I live in present moment awareness, I live the magic of synchrodestiny."
2. Mantra: Aham Brahmasmi (Sanskrit)=The core of my being is the ultimate reality, the root and ground of the universe, the source of all that exists.


I don't want to share my meditation experience today.  It must not be spoken.

I will tell you that while I was out for a walk this morning, a breeze came over me as I was thinking about the unknown.  Images of familiar faces popped into my mind, I saw myself engaged with others.  When the breeze came it was like someone removed my hood because it came down.  It do not come down like a wind blew it off; my hood came down as if someone lifted it gently from around my head to see my face. 

I accepted the energy.  I'm still feeling it.  I must write in my personal journal about this so I can release it. 

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