
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Living Luxury: Day 20

Had a great morning!  I made it to the gym.  Yes, I actually got my backside to the gym instead of  drinking coffee all morning then going for a walk.  I did two classes, zumba and yoga.  At certain points in the yoga (sun salutations), I began to let go; I felt the strength of my body.  There was flow to my movements and an ease with my breath this yoga practice.

My body is use to the movements because I have been practicing the yoga postures at home alone.  It is important to stretch because stretching maintains flexibility, strength, and balance.  These are all great physical qualities to have has one moves forward in age.

Please note that the mantra in the email for the Day 20 is Sat, chit, Ananda, but that is not the mantra on the guided meditation.  Below you will find the actual mantra in the practice of Living Luxury.

Chopra sent the following messages to us today:
1. Centering thought:  Today, I treat myself to moments of luxury.
2. Mantra: Om Varnum Namah (Sanskrit)=My life is in harmony with cosmic law (English).

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