
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Abundance and the Law of Detachment: Day 13

Trusting in uncertainty is not one of the areas that I have a large amount of strength.  Until this meditation challenge, I have tried to control the outcomes of situations in my life.  I have tried to predict the future to the point of obsession.  I've praised luck for good outcomes and renounced luck with bad outcomes. 
Today as I drove to work, I thought about the mental work I did yesterday.  The bottle symbol that Chopra used represents the letting go of a message sent.  The bottle is out of one's control. 

I must do the same with the intention for my goal.  To practice this, I spent my time today focused on writing.  I let go of the other chatter in my mind and just focused on:
  • writing
  • teaching writing
  • language
  • the meaning of communication
  • how do we form the abstractions--symbols, images, and sounds our minds into a string of assigned markers of representation?

Chopra's Message for today:

1. Centering thought: "As I let go of the need to arrange my life, the universe brings abundant good to me."
2. Mantra: Om Anandham Namah (Sanskrit)=My actions are blissfully free from attachment to outcome (English).

On of ideas that Chopra writes about is, "Detach from all expectation of outcome by allowing everyone and everything the freedom to be exactly as they are."  I was tripping on this statement because in the Starbucks (yes, I got coffee) this morning, I was talking to one of my students about accepting people as they are.  I said, "We can only do, and be what we are.  No more--no less."  I am in tune with the meditations. 

The Meditation:

A question after the Chopra guided meditation asks,  "how would they [the symbols of abundance] enhance my life and the lives of others?"  My response:

Books filled with my messages would enhance my life because it will be a relief to get this information out of my body.  It would enhance the lives of others because they can learn how to write.  They can learn how to express the wordless inside of their minds with other people--to send messages using words.  Others will learn how to communicate better, and find strength in defining their own realities rather than having their realities dictated to them by someone else.  My students will learn to speak and tell who they are if they so desire.  It is the emancipation of the mind for a better society.  It is taking responsibility for one's education and for one's life.  These are the ideas I will share with others while helping them improve their writing.  More books, filled with messages I've written, will enhance the lives of others because the books will teach people how to free themselves from animal products.  They will teach people that we do not need to consume animals to survive; we can use plants and thrive.  People will learn how to create a transitional plan, take action in executing the transitional plan, and cook vegan recipes.  People will learn not to kill and that will be good for all the creatures--all of the "others."
The home will enhance my life because it is an oasis where I write my books, create lesson plans, and design courses for "others" to learn.  Others will reap the benefits of my home because the work I create there gives people tools to help change their lives and liberate their minds through writing.
A job I love will benefit my psyche because I'll be happy to go.  It will give me money to travel, write, teach, see the world, and meet people.  A job I love will enhance other people's lives because my happiness will spread to them.
A fuel efficient truck would enhance my life because it would be fun to drive a truck.  I see myself going to festivals in it and selling kale chips.  kale is great for everybody, so the lives of others will be enhanced by the fuel efficient truck.  I'll grow my kale in my vegetable garden at my home where I create my books on writing & veganism, and work at a job I love.

How do I see wellbeing?
When I am practicing the guitar, I feel happy.  No, not happy.  I feel a release of energy when I play my guitar.  A release of pent up-explosive energy.  It feels good because I get to let it out--emotion.  When I am eating a good meal, I have the feeling of wellbeing.----
I am not answering the question here.  Why am I being evasive?  Do I even know what wellbeing means or even the emotion?
I imagine it as something a kin to happiness. something like okay.  Something like being content.  I imagine wellbeing to be maybe a little closer to love.  Does love equal happiness?  Yes, I believe so; I don't know it for sure.       
I envision the emotion of wellbeing as a normal everyday feeling in my life.  Wellbeing   

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