
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Financial Freedom: Day 1

Happy New Year Readers!
It is 2013, and we have survived.
 Now, let us take this year to THRIVE.

I've entitled this post FINANCIAL FREEDOM because that is what I want in my life.

Of course I am going to throw down my New Year's plan (notice I purposely left out the word resolution).

1. 365 Days television free
2. 365 Days substance free such as weed and wine.
3. Consciously reprogram my mind.
4. Blog daily
5. Journal daily

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Everything is Possibility

"Consciousness chooses without any signals.  It chooses without interaction that represents an exchange of signals.  Consciousness is non local; it is everywhere and no where."1--- Dr. Amit Goswami

The material is ether.  What I think to be solid is not solid.  The world I see, the people in it, my perceptions, what happens to me is created by consciousness.

Here is a fun thing.  I like to flip through my previous journal entries.  I ask, "What information do I have for myself right now?"  Then I open any of my journals and read what I wrote.

Today this is what I found:

Abundance and the law of Detachment
As I let of of the need to arrange my life; the universe brings abundant good to me.
Om Anandham Namah=My actions are blissfully free from attachment to outcome. 

This expert comes from the 21 Day Chopra Challenge.  I took this as a sign, and I mediated for a while.  I used the centering thoughts and the mantra. 

I also worked on opening and strengthening my Chakras.  I opened each one and breathed into it.  I envisioned my chakras expanding and contracting with my breath.  Then, I imaged myself connected to the earth through my root chakra.  I saw a beam of light shoot through my crown and out my booty down into the earth.  i saw little flecks of sparkle dust bounce into my energy field.  Little pieces of dirt or rather chips and dark gunk began coming off my chakras.  It was as if the sparkles were cleaning my colors. 

Every since I learned that I am an empath and there are others like me, I feel stronger.  I don't feel crazy anymore.  I just have to learn to control it.  I have clean my energy and use a shield. 

When I lived in southern California, I unknowingly used a shield.  I used to imagine myself with a circle of love and protection around me.  I saw the beam of light going through my apartment complex.  When I moved to Stockton, I stopped using my talents, which I didn't realize I had, but I kind of knew if I am honest with myself. 

Everyday, whether I leave home or stay home, I must meditate to work on my chakras and strength my shield. 
1. "Dr Amit Goswami 'Consciousness, Quantum Physics and Being Human'," Interview by Iain McNay on Conscioustv.

Monday, December 3, 2012


A new subscribe came to me.  She asked for my friendship.  I checked out her channel and watched some of her videos.  It lead me to a whole new group of videos about empathic people.  I causally clicked on one of the videos and it gave a description of an empathic person.  It was me.  I am totally tripping.  I cried a little. It was like that is it.  That is why I feel the way I do.  That is why I feel vibrations.  That is why?  I am not too sensitive.  I feel, and it is okay. 
I'm all weepy right now with the revelation. 

Last weekend, I came across this PhD program in the History of Consciousness at UC Santa Cruz.  I was intrigued by it.  Maybe Consciousness is something that I need to look into?

I am so filled with joy at how successful my students are at expanding their writing. 

Friday, November 30, 2012

End of Fall 2012

I am grading my last set of papers to return to my students for the last day of class.  They will create a portfolio of their work and write me a letter about their writing process for tomorrow-The Final Exam!  I will miss my students this has been a fantastic trip.  I've enjoyed every moment with this group.  They arranged a party for the final; I am bring my vegan fried rice, which means I have to get up at 3:30 am to make the rice let it cool, shower, pack, and hit the road.   

I am surprised that I have not had any email questions.  The second drafts of their persuasive papers were outstanding.  Some of the students' writing skills grew like tall strong trees.  I am so happy.  I truly feel that each one of my students are able to handle the next level of English.  I feel that each one of them will do well in their classes because they have learned to annotate their texts; relate, reflect, & respond (oh, snap--I just reinvented the 3R--Yoooooo) to texts; and to allow the creation of content without self-editor.  Yes, these are the things that I see in their work. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Get Over It

It is a new day.  I still feel uneasy, but I must go with the flow.  Do you ever have those days when you wish you could reach out to another person for comfort?  I do.  I use to eat those feelings away.

Now,  just feel it.  The reason behind "allowing" rather than "suppressing" is if I allow myself to feel this pain, then I can release it.  I don't have to work to suppress it.  I can just let it go and move on to the next lesson.  Why bother with trying to figure out why a person behaves in a certain manner?  To do so is energy wasted in the past.  What another person does/says/lives/ is none of my business.  I will never know "why?;" he probably doesn't even know why he treated me in such a callous manner.  I forgive my boss, so I can move on to joy.

So, looking at the situation with work, I must ask myself, "Where is the good?"  "What is the lesson?"    

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I am grateful to see.
I am grateful that I have the opportunity to teach writing.  I am grateful for my family.   
I am grateful to know that it is not a match.  I am grateful for the understanding and the knowledge.  I am grateful it hurt because I breathed through the pain.  I am grateful.
I am grateful to have the time to write about writing.
I am grateful to have the time to make videos about my life experience.
I am grateful to connect with other people.
I am grateful to be in nature.
I am grateful for the banana I ate today and the coffee I drank.
I am grateful that I learned to play the guitar.
I am grateful for the guitar.
I am grateful for music.  I am grateful for my life.  I am grateful to vibrate at this frequency.   
I am grateful.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Bonus--Happiness and Humanity: Day 22

I could not believe it when I check my email this morning and saw an extra bonus meditation. 

To the healing of the world today, I can contribute and open heart.  I remind myself to greet each person with love rather than fear. 

The meditation:
I was not focused for this meditation because it came so unexpectedly.  I meant to meditate today, but I was thrilled to see the additional guided meditation in my inbox this morning.  All day today has been a meditation in healing the world.
It was difficult for me to stay focused.  I kept thinking about: my students; the materials they need to be successful; grading their papers; how I can create my own critical-reading bookmark.  Then I finally brought myself to the mantra, "So Hum."  I breathed in the "So" and exhaled the "Hum."  I noticed the rise and fall of my belly.  I noticed how the mantra took on a musical quality.
My mind went back to my students, and the materials they need.  Finally, I quieted down again, and went back to the mantra.  The bell rang.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Living Abundantly: Day 21

It is the last day of the Chopra 21 Day Meditation Challenge.  These are the last messages for this challenge:
1. Centering Thought:  Every moment of everyday, I live my life abundantly.
2. Mantra:  So Hum (Sanskrit)= I Am (English).

Has meditation had any impact on my life?  I must answer that question with, "yes."  
I've turned my attention inward and have stop searching for "it" in the external world.  I've gotten into the daily practice of writing.  I have become more productive and yet I expend less energy.  My diet has improved.  I understand that it is carbohydrates that I crave.

I've learned more about the plant-based diet.  The universe sent me John McDougall's information on a high carb diet.  My weight is releasing and it seems like my body is going through some positive changes. 

Would I recommend meditation to others?
For sure, I recommend that everyone meditates.  It helps to quiet the mind, to allow thoughts to float by, and to connect to silence.

Will I continue to meditate?

Yes, I will continue to meditate.  At the beginning of this year, in January, I said this year is about manifesting, meditating, and music.  I am beginning to see that all those desires that I have or wants are already here.  I see that I am living the life that I want to live.  I am teaching writing at a community college to developmental writers; This is so awesome because I love going to work.  It is like a dream to have my job.  I am now writing, and I have the time to write.  The guitar has opened music up to me; I experience it on a deeper level--vibrational level. 

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Living Luxury: Day 20

Had a great morning!  I made it to the gym.  Yes, I actually got my backside to the gym instead of  drinking coffee all morning then going for a walk.  I did two classes, zumba and yoga.  At certain points in the yoga (sun salutations), I began to let go; I felt the strength of my body.  There was flow to my movements and an ease with my breath this yoga practice.

My body is use to the movements because I have been practicing the yoga postures at home alone.  It is important to stretch because stretching maintains flexibility, strength, and balance.  These are all great physical qualities to have has one moves forward in age.

Please note that the mantra in the email for the Day 20 is Sat, chit, Ananda, but that is not the mantra on the guided meditation.  Below you will find the actual mantra in the practice of Living Luxury.

Chopra sent the following messages to us today:
1. Centering thought:  Today, I treat myself to moments of luxury.
2. Mantra: Om Varnum Namah (Sanskrit)=My life is in harmony with cosmic law (English).

Friday, November 23, 2012

Living Love: Day 19

I'm still full from Thanksgiving.  Today is a light day.  I did some yoga and a silent meditiation.  thne, I danced my butt off to the Smiths, Louder than Bombs.  It has been a long time since I just turned on some music and danced around. 

I am happy. 

Chopra sent the following information for us today:
1. Centering thought:  Today, I remember to love evrything and everyone I come in contact with.
2.  Mantra: Sat, Chit, Ananada (Sanskrit)=Existence, Consciousness, Bliss (English). 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Living Unity: Day 18

Happy Thanksgiving! 

I called my mother up the first thing this morning to tell her how thankful I am that she is in my life.  Yeah!  I love my family!

For my brother, I created a delicious and mostly vegan meal.  He ate meat (chicken & macaroni).  All the sides were plant-based and animal free.  I should up load some of the photos tonight. I thin I will do that.

My mother came over with meat and a banana pudding for my brother.  She dropped it on the stairs.  She cried a little on the stairs.  I was about to start my meditation.  So, the sound of her cry really scared me.  My heart jumped, and began to pump in over time.  I quickly pulled the ear-bugs out of my ears, and I ran to the door.  I opened it.  There stood my Mom with her lips turned down and a squashed pound cake tin in her hand. The tin was filled with a rich yellowish custard, bananas, and vanilla wafers.  I recognized it immediately.  One of my childhood favorites. 

"I cannot do the stairs with my leg.  Take it," Ma sighed.  I took the squashed tin from her hand.  "Throw it in the garbage can.  I was trying to bring your brother some pie and meat."  She turns and walks down the stairs.  My brother goes after her.

So what was the pie about?
Ma was upset because my niece, Charrlie, did not come over for Thanksgiving after she confirmed she would come.  Ma was upset because she cooked this meal for Charrlie.

Chopra Sent the following for us to focus today:

1. Centering Thought:  I celebrate my unity with all life, knowing we are all one.
2. Manta:  Tat Tvam Asi (Sanskrit)=I see the other in myself and myself in the other.

How do I define Unity?

I define unity as one.  it is a coming together of two or more things into a one.  My definition of unity can be extended; it is also community and collaborative.  Unit can be the effort of many focused towards one objective.  But, I come back to one.  

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Living Carefree: Day 17

Focusing on the thought that everything is as it should be and relaxing in that thought is the task for the day.  So far, the day is flowing.  I love it when I am in flow and everything works; I am not fighting anymore.  I don't mean physically fighting.  I mean fighting with life or struggling against the current.

Chopra sent these messages to us today: 
1. Centering thought:  I move through my days light-hearted and carefree, knowing all is well.
2. Mantra:  Sat, Chit, Ananda (Sanskrit)=Existence, Consciousness, Bliss (English).

The question is, "How do you feel when you wake up?"
My response:
I can tell you how I felt today when I woke up; I cannot recall the general feeling of each day when I awake.  Lately, I have been feeling excited about the day.  This morning, I felt snugly and comfy.  It rained last night.  The room was the perfect temperature, and my bed was just cozy enough.  Both of my cats were in the bed with me.  Baby gently nestle next to the pillow at my head and Rafa laying by my legs almost wrapped in the blanket.
In my current state of mind, I feel like everything is going my way.  I am happy because I got the extra classes that I wanted, so I will have a full load next semester.

Guess the question from the response:
If I lived light-hearted and carefree, my life would improve because I will not second guess myself; I will seek my answers from within.  My life would improve because I will seek adventure by living light-hearted and carefree.  I would be the action rather than the passive spectator.  My life would improve because I will live without the constant fear of the unknown by living light-hearted and carefree.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Living Gratefully: Day 16

I was thinking about gratitude this morning.  Thanksgiving is just a couple of days away.
Chopra sent the this information for us to contemplate for the day and the meditation:
1. Centering thought: "Today, I remember to be grateful."

2. Mantra: Om Vardhanam Namah (Sanskrit)= I nourish the universe, and the universe nourishes me (English).

Here are my responses to the questions after the meditation today.  See if you can guess what the questions are from my answers. 

In my life I am most grateful for my family (I include my friends and animals in family). I am grateful for my mother who takes care of me when I cannot take care of myself.  I am grateful for my education.  I am grateful  for the time I have to do this 21 day meditation challenge.  I am grateful that I have a place to live.  I am grateful for my job, which allows me the opportunity to do what I love teach writing.     

Question 2:

My answer:  When I am in a state of gratitude, I feel joy.  I feel security.  I feel love. 
The Meditation:

At the beginning of the meditation I opened my eyes twice.    I focused on the mantra, and found myself relaxing deeper and deeper.  I concentrated my breathing in and out.  I went back to mantra and stayed with it until the bell.  I had a deeper meditation after I got over the initial fear.  When I feel overwhelmed, I open my eyes.  During this session, I just stuck with it.        

Monday, November 19, 2012

Living Sychrondestiny: Day 15

Just the title of today's meditation has me wondering, "What does Sychrodestiny" mean?  By looking at the parts of the word, I guess it to mean same time appointed.  In the email today, Deepak Chopra defines synchrodestiny as "harnessing the power of everyday coincidences to help you realize your long-held dreams."

Chopra sent this information for us:
1. Centering Thought: "As I live in present moment awareness, I live the magic of synchrodestiny."
2. Mantra: Aham Brahmasmi (Sanskrit)=The core of my being is the ultimate reality, the root and ground of the universe, the source of all that exists.


I don't want to share my meditation experience today.  It must not be spoken.

I will tell you that while I was out for a walk this morning, a breeze came over me as I was thinking about the unknown.  Images of familiar faces popped into my mind, I saw myself engaged with others.  When the breeze came it was like someone removed my hood because it came down.  It do not come down like a wind blew it off; my hood came down as if someone lifted it gently from around my head to see my face. 

I accepted the energy.  I'm still feeling it.  I must write in my personal journal about this so I can release it.