
Saturday, August 21, 2010

The First Raw Day

It’s August 21, 2010 the kick off date for my Raw Food Journey.

Last night, I decided to have a couple of glasses of wine, and it done me in. I have been 50% raw for a while, and last night proves that wine and raw foods do not mix. I started my journey with a headache. I wanted to eat some oatmeal, or some toast this morning, but I refrained. Instead, I ate a banana and had some tea with almond milk. The almond milk is store bought.

I was away from my desk yesterday and did not have the Declaration for My Life in front of me to remind me how I want my life to go. I need to reaffirm the words I wrote detailing how I want my life to go each day.

I started the day with a couple of bananas, some dates, and some watermelon juice. I fell pretty energized. I have to run some errands, so my first post will be short.

Watermelon Juice:
Place two cups of chopped watermelon in a blender with some ice and a little water then blend. It makes a nice refreshing drink. Blending is different from juicing because all I am consuming the whole watermelon—its flesh and juice.

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