
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Declaration For My Life

This is the first post of my new blog, and with this post I am setting my intention.  August 21, 2010, I will begin a new phase in my life.  I want the gift of vitality--the gift of health.  I am committing myself to a Raw Food Lifestyle.  I am not saying diet because I truly believe the raw food is a lifestyle.  I even give it an article because to me the raw food exists, and it lives to bring human-beings to consciousness.  

My declaration taped on the wall
I went to Vital Life Foundation, and found this declaration for my life, which I will fill out for my first post. These are the questions that I meditated on before making my declaration: 
1) How do I want to think?  2) How do I want to feel?  3) How do I want to believe?  4) How do I want to conduct myself?  5) What do I want to put into my body?  6) What is my purpose?
After I completed my declaration I taped it to the wall in the place where I will see it often.  


This is a powerful tool for setting my intention and reminding me where I want my life to go.

I am

I am responsible for my life. I am here to live a happy and fulfilling life. I am connected to all living beings.

My guiding principle is compassion. I believe in ultimate good and kindness.

I am an educator. I am a teacher. I am a writer. I am here to live and be in the now. I think clearly with a loving heart.

My purpose is to love, nurture and help other beings using my gifts as an educator, a teacher, and a writer.

I trust the flow knowing that I am guided to the most compassionate and loving people, places, and actions.

I love and nurture myself, so I can love and nurture others.

I know nothing. I trust me. I have free will.

I am open to receiving the information the universe has for me. I am open to the highest potential the universe has for me.

I allow thoughts to float on the wind free of attachments.

I put only wholesome foods and beverages into my body.

I breathe deeply to live.

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