
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 2's Melt Down

I am 95% raw today. I just had a melt down and ate some potato chips then I threw the bag away. I cannot have chips around me. They are highly processed; they are fried, and they are salted.

The reason for eating the chips, according to Dr. Doug Graham is that I have not eaten enough fruit today. What did I eat? I ate two bananas, one super large mango, one Clementine, and 1 fat mushy date. Clearly that is not enough food.

This morning I thought about making a smoothie, but I had to get to Best Buy to have my systems disk made for a cheap computer I bought Friday.

ALERT—ALERT--Now, I go on a tangent—I bought the inexpensive computer, so my “good” laptop will not get damaged, or lose data by carrying it around, and working outside of my house. My “good” computer had to be repaired in the spring, and I was without a computer for two weeks. I felt helpless. So, to keep that from happening again, I got the cheapie. The thought for buying it, "if the 'cheap' laptop breaks then I won’t be out of luck"—tangent over.

Instead of being focused on my health. I was focused on getting to the store early, so I could have my laptop back early.

Nicole wearing the new jeans
I decided to buy some jeans and body lotion and body spray. That took me 3 hours. Seriously, shopping for clothing took a long time because I lost a lot of weight, and I was not sure of my size. I knew that I could fit into my old size eight, but not comfortably, so I figured I was about a ten. I fit the size ten, but some things were tight—not comfortable while things fit perfectly (note: Some clothes could have fit awkwardly because of my cycle). I decided that whether I was on my cycle or not I want to be comfortable at all times. Instead of going for beauty, I went for comfort in my clothing choices. So, I got all of my pants in a 12.

Going through this process of buying clothing did not leave me time to think of my food.

Plan for tomorrow is to eat lots of fruit. Start with a smoothie for breakfast and have as much fruit as I like.

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