
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Slimy Chinese Spinach

I went to the Farmer's Market yesterday, and got a bunch of produce.  I wanted some greens, but I didn't see any that looked good.  I went to this one vegetable stand, and I saw this plant that had beautiful flat leaves.  I asked the girl behind the table what it was.  She told me, "It is Chinese spinach." 
"Does it taste like spinach?" I ask.
"yeah, just saute it.  What are you going to do with it?" she responses with a inquisitive look on her face.  Her  eyes were wide and her mouth was open with the slightest hint of a smile.  I did notice that her teeth were brown on top; it reminded me off my yellow teeth when I was teenager.

I smiled at her told her in a matter of fact tone, as if it is obvious, doesn't she know I'm on a juice fast, "I'm going to juice it."

The girls eyes almost popped out of her head.  "Juice it," she said. 

"Yes, juice it." I replied as I handed her two dollars. 

The girl was giving me a sign.  If only  I had read the road map of her face a lot better, I would have known that juicing Chinese spinach is not a good idea.

However, I did listen to my inner voice earlier today when it told me to taste the Chinese spinach before I added it to my juice.  It did taste like spinach, but it produced a fair amount of slime in my mouth as I chewed it (yes, I did swallow).

I decided to juice a bit of it to see if it had a thick slimy quality.  OMG, when I put the Chinese spinach in the juicer, it started to come out like long, strings, of wet, sticky greenness.  It looked like a giant bugger entered my juicer.  I immediately stopped juicing. 

I had to clean every bit of the juicer of this sticky, yucky, mess that seemed to plaster itself against any surface.  It was like touching a raw egg, but 20 times worse.   I had scrub the fluid of Chinese spinach off, and it was not going away easy.


  1. I had the same happen to me just last night. The farmer said it was spinach so I got it, ate it, juiced it. So slimey, is this soluble fiber? What have you found on it?

  2. Bummer for me living in China...thanks for your video. I couldn't figure out why my juice went bad today... Jan

  3. Ok, I agree. It's really slimy and wonder now if it's bad for me to drink. P.S. I like okra, so I can handle it.

  4. I got some chinese spinash at the supermarket thinking it would be the same as the regular spinash I always buy; boy was I for a good surprise. I prepared it by itself as a salad, with oil and vinegar. On my first bite I got my mouth all slimmy. I tried to finish my salad but this feel kind of disgusting to swallow. I'll try to find some good recipies and if not, to the trash they go. Ugggh

  5. I bought some chinese spinash at the supermarket out of curiosity, thinking it was the same as the one I usually buy. Boy was I in for a surprise. I prepared it with just oil and vinegar and as soon as I chew on a leaf my mouth got all slimmy, uggh. I' ll try to find a good recipe to see if it looses that gooeyness, if not, to the trash they go.

  6. I noticed the slime too. Took mostly just leaves and washed the. really well to get rid of slime, coarsely chopped the leaves and added them to soup. NO slime and it tasted delicious

  7. I noticed the slime too. Took mostly just leaves and washed the. really well to get rid of slime, coarsely chopped the leaves and added them to soup. NO slime and it tasted delicious

  8. I noticed the slime too. Took mostly just leaves and washed them really well to get rid of slime, coarsely chopped the leaves and added them to soup. NO slime and it tasted delicious
