
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Nut Crush

I want to talk about gourmet raw food. I’ve been watching people making recipes such as dehydrated pizza, nut cheese, raw not tuna, flax crackers, and I’ve come to the conclusion that I want fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds to be the base of diet. If I ate the gourmet raw foods, I’d probably gain weight just as if I was not raw.

I was reading this raw recipe book (I will not name it), and most of the food is dehydrated. It seemed dry. I want juicy foods in my diet.

I was also thinking about all the “super-foods” such as maca powder, gooji berries, spiralina, etc..Most if not all of those foods have to be imported, or brought from a long distance. How good is that for the world if one is thinking about his/her carbon foot print? That is a lot of fossil fuel being used so I can eat a super food.

Why am I on this line of thought? I was looking for something to boost my energy. I’ve been feeling sluggish, so I thought “hey, what about that maca powder stuff?” I started imagining how I could replace it for my caffeinated tea in the morning. Then I thought, I might get addicted to the kick it might give me then I’ll have to make sure I have my supply of maca. Do you see how that line of thought is dysfunctional and not of service to myself, or of service to others? It thought about acquiring for pleasure not happiness. I just want to be healthy and free of addiction. I want to be at peace, and right now I think the fresh fruits & vegetables is the way to achieve some peace.

Notice I did not add nuts& seeds in the last sentence. I believe that the nuts that I have been gorging on are making me tired because my body is working to process them. Nuts are a heavy, high fat food and I am feeling the results of over indulging.

Thursday, September 9th, I am going cold turkey, and freeing myself of the caffeine. I am also going to do a mini fast to lighten my load. I want to do three days, but for sure I will fast on juice for one day. I need to let my body do some elimination.

I’m ready to let go of my nut crush.

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