
Friday, September 3, 2010

Is food apart of a spiritual path?

Papaya is not my favorite fruit
I do know that I am feeling my emotions more with the raw food, but this present-ness began when freed myself from eating the animal products. I am noticing my thoughts more, for example when I am drudge up past thoughts that start me on a negative cycle. I remind myself that I am here “now.” The noticing of thoughts happens for me when I am on one of my morning walks. That is the time that I feel most connect to the spirit.

On a lighter note, from watching all the YouTube videos I notice when a person goes raw he/she tends to go hippie. When some people go raw, they start meditating, and doing spirit work (mandalas and mantras). Some people change their hair and their style of dress. Some people leave their jobs. The main thing that I notice when a person goes raw, he/she becomes more loving to his/herself and to other beings. I think that is happening to me.

While I was swimming today, for a moment I felt like I could see better. Is it the 14 days being raw, or is it my belief that living food will allow my body to heal, and help me maintain my vision? I don’t know, but I do know that I saw the world a little clearer.

I was not brave enough to go without caffeine today. I did begin the day with the tea. At this point in the journey, I will allow the caffeine from the tea. I am focused on eating as much non-cooked food as I can. If I start to separate my focus to get rid of the caffeinated tea, I will distract my concentration and probably start eating cooked. I need to get solid raw first.

I ate the papaya today. I’ve had papaya three times before and each time I eat it, I do not like it. So, for the fourth time, I let it ripen, and I still don’t like papaya. It is not sweet enough for me. There is a feel in y mouth as if I am eating fat, but it is not fat. I like my fruit sweet. I have a sweet tooth, which I do not have when I eat cooked food. I am craving sweet, sweet fruit.

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