
Friday, June 22, 2012

Weekly Eating Vegan Update--One

How do you feel?  How does your body feel since adding more fruits and vegetables into your diet?
I am beginning to feel electric.  Remember, I am eating a high raw vegan diet.  That means, I am not cooking most of my food.  I am also incorporating more exercise into my life. 
Thank you for subscribing to my update. 

Friday--June 15, 2012:

I was not very successful at either of the tasks on this day.  I cleaned the refrigerator, and shopped for whole fruits and vegetables.  I drank Australian wine, which made me crave rice.  So, I made teriyaki veggie dogs with mushroom fried rice.  It was delicious. 

I did not exercise.

Saturday--June 16, 2012:
Raw all day!  I woke up with a slight hang-over from the wine, but I was up at 7am.  I wanted to eat something cooked, but I did not.  I did drink coffee with coconut milk.  The rest of the day, I ate watermelon (also drank watermelon juice), bananas, and romaine lettuce boats (see vlog for recipe).
I did not want to exercise, but I made it to the gym for zumba.  I felt blocked energy releasing from different parts of my body as I danced.  Later, I did some yoga.   

I soaked some sunflower seeds; I might make a pate.  Remember to always soak your nuts and seeds before consuming them. 

Sunday--June 17, 2012:
Up at the crack of dawn, I feel great.  Went to my computer and wrote a transitional tip for my blog.  I drank coffee with coconut milk and had cantaloupe & pineapple for breakfast.  I’ve been thinking of ways to get the coffee out of my life.  For now, it is okay.

Went for a walk, and it was awesome.  I love being outside listening to the birds and smelling the fresh air.  It is also a time when I can be alone with my thoughts.  The treadmill is not the same as being outside.

I created raw cucumber sandwiches for dinner.  I used a mandolin and thinly sliced some cucumber lengthwise.  I place the cucumber strips on romaine lettuce leaves.  I added avocado and an heirloom tomato & parsley relish (recipe to come).  It was delicious!

For my fat craving, I ate some of those soaked sunflower seeds with raisins.  All I can say is “satisfying mouth feel.”

Monday--June 18, 2012:
I got up at 5:30am this morning and went immediately for a walk.  I felt energized, so I started writing my weekly update for the blog, which you are probably reading right now.  Yes, this is to you.

I got some guarana to help with the coffee.  I know it is a stimulant, but it somehow I have rationalized that it is not as bad for me as coffee.  I should be able to get up and go without any stimulant.  It is a practice; there is not perfection.    
I soaked some cashews because I will make kale chips (raw, dehydrated kale leaves coated with a cashew sauce).  Kale chips help with the potato chip craving. 

Tuesday--June 19, 2012:
Going to exercise was hard this day.  I dragged my ass out of bed and got to the gym.  I was dreading it because I thought the class at 9am was Ripped.  The schedule changed to my surprise and the class was PIloxing, which is a combination of Pilates and boxing.  It was so much fun.

I took a guarana capsule.  It worked. 

Raw all day, I used the soaked nuts to create a cucumber fettuccini.  Just cutting the cucumber in a different shape can actually change the taste.     

The electricity was still there buzzing around in my body.

Wednesday--June 20, 2012:
Started the day with watermelon and a strawberry & banana smoothie, it was good.  Walked and did yoga.  My body aches from all the exercise or the previous lack of exercise.  The good thing is that my lower back is better, and the pain in my buttocks has lessen. 

Anxiety is starting to get the best of me.  I am worried about the nuts & bolts of life, but there is nothing I can do.  I can only control myself.  All I can do is breath and let the energy swirl around.  I put my intention into the universe; I’ve said it; I’ve written; I’ve taken action towards it.  Now, it is just allowing it to come. 

I thought, “What can I do different to change this life?”  It dawned on me that I say, “no.”  The new thing I will try is to say, “yes.”  I know, this mental shift is a slight result of Jim Carrey’s movie, but I saw that film years ago. 
Most of my time, I spend defending myself or pushing people away—that is the “no” part.  I wish I could just relax and let life happen—that is the “yes” part.      

So, I can choose to attach to thoughts or not to attach.  The mental reprogramming is a toughy to do alone that is why it is so important to journal, message board, comment, or reach out to others who may be in the same space you are.    

Thursday--June 21, 2012:
A major thing I notice this week is that I woke up with the sun.  Each morning I was up between 6-6:30am.  I have more energy. 

Added an apple to my green smoothie this morning—good fiber.  I was so full after I drank it.  For exercise, I barely walked, and no yoga.  I just wanted to sit in the chair and watch tv.  I’ve got to get out of the house.  I craved salt.  I gave into temptation and ate potato chips. Do I feel guilty?  Yes and No.

Anyway this is the  Video of the Week.  It has some recipes you can use to incorporate more fresh fruit and vegetables into your diet.  For all of you who are in transition to eating vegan or for those who just want to add more fresh whole foods into your diet, the cucumber fettuccini and the raw lasagna can both be side dishes for a meat meal.    

Message me or post a comment and let me know how your transition to eating vegan is going.  I want to know about your journey—the ups and downs.   Remember I am here to support you as well as get support from you.  I write this blog because I care about each of you.  You guys help me eat vegan and stay on the path of peace. 

Much Love,

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