
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Transition Tip 3--Add lemons/limes to H20

Since our bodies are made moistly of water, humans need to replace the water loss during the day.  Many of us do not eat foods that naturally contain water such as fruit.  The food that most of us eat is over processed.  The water is actually extracted out of it, to such a degree that our food does not even resemble its natural state.  In other words, the modern Standard American Diet (SAD) lacks sufficient water.  The liquids that most Americans consume are sodas or processed “fruit” drinks.  These drinks are pasteurized, which causes the nutrients the fruits once contained to be cooked away; therefore, the drink makers add chemical nutrients into the drinks.  Have you seen the drink labels?  Some of the drink labels use words such as “fortified,’ “enriched,” “added,”  “additives.”
It is not easier to make your own juices, but the health benefits are outstanding. The juice contains those vital phytonutrients which the plant possesses.  Now, those unprocessed living nutrients flow in your body to each one of your cells when you drink fresh juice.   With the “fruit” drinks, all you have to do is open your groceries refrigerator door and grab a bottle.  So do we trade convenience for health? 
A woman told me that she doesn’t have the time to juice.  She has just too much to do during the day.  She made the argument that the “fruit” drinks are just as good as the juice from natural whole foods because the “fruit” drinks have additives.  I thought she was insane.  At that moment, I knew that I would not be able to communicate with her.  She has a wall up to eating fresh whole foods.  So, I let the issue go.   
As you transition to a healthier lifestyle, you will need to consume more water.  Sometimes, water does not taste so good.  Especially at the beginning of the transition because the taste buds have been so deaden my all the additives, salts, sugars, and other stimulates that the Standard American Diet contains.  I find that adding lemon or lime to my water gives it a delicious taste and adds a little spice to the taste buds. 
Lemons/Limes are natural diuretics because they help the body rid its self of toxins.  Lemons/Limes help alkalinize the body.  These citrus fruits help boost the immune system.  Studies have shown that the Glycosides and the Limonoids in lemons/limes may help fight the growth of cancer cells.       

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