
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Words About Transitioning to Vegan

This week’s update I decided to do differently.  I have been inspired by two of my subscribers to write this update. This week’s video has two vegan recipes—chocolate cake and potato salad.  Click here for the Video of the Week.

Nicole’s Week:
Friday June 29 –Monday July 2, I exercised my butt off.  Well maybe I did not exercise my butt off, but I got it done.  Tuesday July 3 – Thursday July 5, my Aunt Sally came to visit, and I did not exercise.  I did partake in grilled veggie burgers and veggie dogs for this week.  I drank two bottles of wine this week; it’s a holiday week—American Independence. 

Words about Transitioning to Vegan:
Sogirlgems on Youtube is working on transitioning to a vegetarian diet.  She is doing a 14 day fast to get her weight out of the 120s.  I notice that she is eating.  I want to be clear on the definition of a fast.  A fast is to go without food.  There are different types of fast.  Some of the fast that I have done are the master cleanse (water, lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper) and a juice fast (fresh fruits and vegetables that I juice).  Both of these fasts taught me that I can go without food and still function. 

Watching Sogirlgems video made me think about my own obsession with weight.  When I was extremely overweight, people (in general) did not make eye contact with me.  In general, people (especially men) ignored me or looked at me with fear in their eyes.  I had one guy tell me that I was fat and ugly and that no one would go out with me, so I should date him.  Of course, I told him to fuck off.  But this sort of thing happened often, I walked into a restaurant one day and these men mooed at me like I was a cow.  I decided to be alone rather than deal with it.  So, I know how hard it is to carry extra weight and to be treated as less than because of it.  To this day, I feel like I have to be thin to be accepted--to be acknowledged.

I’ve watched Mowet100 struggle over the last year to be vegan, so that she can lose weight.  The vegan lifestyle is a practice; there is no perfection.  If you look at the transition as an all or nothing deal, then you set yourself up to fail.  Take the veganism in steps.  First, eliminate the red meat from your diet.  Next, prepare one meat free meal a day.  Build up to being vegan.  Once you have freed yourself from meat and the hormones & chemicals in the animal, you can work on the dairy.  I want to pause because dairy is some of the most addictive food items that humans can eat (other than meat).  Dairy creates mucous in the body and clogs the human lymphatic system.  When you free yourself from dairy, the vegan diet will become easier, almost effortless.     

A mini message to Sogirlgems:
I know that it can be hard to cut the meat out of your diet.  Girl, you can do it.  I see that you are making salad the main meal and adding veggie dishes to the meals of your family.  Keep up the great work!!!!!  

As we begin a new week, I send some love to all of you.  Remember to stay focused, but give yourselves a break on this journey.  As always, I enjoy hearing from you.  Message me!  Comment! Let me know how you are doing. 

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