
Friday, December 2, 2011

Finnegan Begin Again

Since school is almost over for me,  I can dedicate my time to this blog.   For 365 days, I will work on incorporating more raw food into my diet and more exercise.  I will soicalize with humans and become involved with the vegan lifestyle.

I began the 365 days yesterday.  I juiced, and ate raw until dinner then I ate baked potatoes with radish topping.  Later last night, I had a mini-potato chip binge!  It is okay.  I am practicing there is no perfection. 

Finally, I got the glass canning jars that Crosspecans wanted me to use instead of the plastic.  do I feel healthier?   I don't feel it yet.

I have a sense of dread because I want to drink wine, and eat veggie dogs.  I want to stay in bed and watch tv instead of walking.

it is only the second day, so I am keeping my eye on the goal.

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