
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Two Hours of Exercise

Today was a triumph.  I got up at 6 am, and I sat at my computer.  I did not write, but I made it to my computer.  I looked at a blank word document for a long time then I checked my email.  I hung out on facebook--commenting and friending.  I watched a few videos on youtube.  I printed my resume and cv, so I can update them. 

I had breakfast ( a bean burrito) and drank tea.  At 10:15, I went to the gym where I did two hours of exercise.  I did zumba and yoga.  The yoga tore me up.  I had to rest in the child pose for a little bit.  I might have been worn out from the zumba. 

I came home took a hot shower, started my laundry, watched Goonies (in English and Spanish at the same time). 

Yes, today was a productive day.  The major accomplishment was getting to my computer before the world awoke, and I did that.  Now, tomorrow, hopefully I will write. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

A walk: the Pee Man and the Cyclist

This semester has not been the best for my girlish figure.  I started strong with exercise and eating healthy meals then the filing in one of my teeth fell out.  My tooth got infected.  I got terribly sick.  Finally, I had root canal, and I got even sicker.  The first two months of the semester I spent ill.  I did not exercise, and I started drinking (the Chardonnay) to numb the pain.  When the tooth pain went away, I started eating to numb the pain of the cold the symptoms and deal with the stress. 
The semester will be officially over for me December 14th; it is the day I perform my last radio show. 
How much weight have I gained since August (the beginning of fall semester)?  I’d hazard a guess at maybe 15-20lbs.  I can still fit my clothes, but my jeans are tight, and I don’t want to wear tight clothes. 
What have I done to be healthy today? 
The morning did not start off well.  I was still pissed at my mother because of the conversation last night and the one a few days ago.  She does not want to listen.  I sent her an email telling her I am done talking to her.  Every time I speak with her, I feel like shit afterwards.  I’m done. 
Late in the morning, I walked for an hour.  It felt nice to move my body.  Plus, I did my favorite exercise, which is walking outside.  Sadly, while I was walking on the levee, I saw a young man who began to change his clothing in public.  He put a cigarette in his mouth, sat all his shit down, walked toward a tree and began to urinate in public.  I could not believe it.  As I walked by, I tried to look the other way.  Actually, I looked the other way.  I even put my hand up to cover my face.  He turned around and walked away from the tree towards me and said, “Good morning.”
I walked faster as I said, “Good morning.”   It had to be one of the most uncomfortable moments I’ve experienced so far this year. 
About twenty minutes later as I walked around the bend, the cyclist who always calls me “leather” appeared.  He stopped his bike and asked me, “How does it feel to be a mother in-law?”  I tilted my head from one side to the other like a puppy hearing a human make the guttural “aaahhhh” sound. 
“You’re not leather” he said.  I slightly shook my head left to right or right to left.  My eyes got big; I could feel them, and I know I had a goofy smile on my face.  I could not believe the cyclist was talking to me.   With a big smile, he continued “I’ve been calling you leather all this time.  You look like a woman I know who lives on the other side of the levee named leather.  Her son just got married.”
I smiled.  He said a bunch of other stuff, but I did not pay attention because I was checking out his body.  I was also in shock because this was the first time he ever stopped to talk to me.  The cyclist has a very nice figure.  He is extremely healthy! 
I told him, “it’s okay.”  Then I said something similar to “have a nice day” or “Merry Christmas.”  I cannot remember.  I’ve been drooling over the cyclist since summer 2010.  He smiled and spoke.  I don’t know what he said—remember I was in shock.  He got on his bike and road off.     

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Holiday Party

On the second day of my health kick, I went to a holiday party. And yes, I indulged in the food.  I ate some type of fried vegetarian pot sticker.  I have to give it a better effort because I started the day off processed.  I went to Taco Bell where I ate two fresco bean burritos and a soda.

I have to remind myself it is a practice not a perfection.  The good thing is that the food I eat now to numb my feelings with is healthier than it would be if I weren't vegan.  Before, I ate hamburgers, met pizza, roasted chicken, cheese in all its incarnations.  Now, I eat bean burritos, veggie dogs, fires, and potato chips when I want to stuff my self.

I also need to work on not eating when I am stuffed. 

Today, I did not do too much better.  I ate chips for breakfast, but I did wake up at 5:30, and I went right to my computer to write.  I did not exercise.  I planned to go to the gym and do zumba and yoga instead I got back into the bed.
Right now, I feel stuffed.  There is a heaviness.  See, it is possible to gain weight and be unhealthy while practicing a vegan diet. 
Tomorrow is a new day!    

Friday, December 2, 2011

Finnegan Begin Again

Since school is almost over for me,  I can dedicate my time to this blog.   For 365 days, I will work on incorporating more raw food into my diet and more exercise.  I will soicalize with humans and become involved with the vegan lifestyle.

I began the 365 days yesterday.  I juiced, and ate raw until dinner then I ate baked potatoes with radish topping.  Later last night, I had a mini-potato chip binge!  It is okay.  I am practicing there is no perfection. 

Finally, I got the glass canning jars that Crosspecans wanted me to use instead of the plastic.  do I feel healthier?   I don't feel it yet.

I have a sense of dread because I want to drink wine, and eat veggie dogs.  I want to stay in bed and watch tv instead of walking.

it is only the second day, so I am keeping my eye on the goal.