
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Two Hours of Exercise

Today was a triumph.  I got up at 6 am, and I sat at my computer.  I did not write, but I made it to my computer.  I looked at a blank word document for a long time then I checked my email.  I hung out on facebook--commenting and friending.  I watched a few videos on youtube.  I printed my resume and cv, so I can update them. 

I had breakfast ( a bean burrito) and drank tea.  At 10:15, I went to the gym where I did two hours of exercise.  I did zumba and yoga.  The yoga tore me up.  I had to rest in the child pose for a little bit.  I might have been worn out from the zumba. 

I came home took a hot shower, started my laundry, watched Goonies (in English and Spanish at the same time). 

Yes, today was a productive day.  The major accomplishment was getting to my computer before the world awoke, and I did that.  Now, tomorrow, hopefully I will write. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

A walk: the Pee Man and the Cyclist

This semester has not been the best for my girlish figure.  I started strong with exercise and eating healthy meals then the filing in one of my teeth fell out.  My tooth got infected.  I got terribly sick.  Finally, I had root canal, and I got even sicker.  The first two months of the semester I spent ill.  I did not exercise, and I started drinking (the Chardonnay) to numb the pain.  When the tooth pain went away, I started eating to numb the pain of the cold the symptoms and deal with the stress. 
The semester will be officially over for me December 14th; it is the day I perform my last radio show. 
How much weight have I gained since August (the beginning of fall semester)?  I’d hazard a guess at maybe 15-20lbs.  I can still fit my clothes, but my jeans are tight, and I don’t want to wear tight clothes. 
What have I done to be healthy today? 
The morning did not start off well.  I was still pissed at my mother because of the conversation last night and the one a few days ago.  She does not want to listen.  I sent her an email telling her I am done talking to her.  Every time I speak with her, I feel like shit afterwards.  I’m done. 
Late in the morning, I walked for an hour.  It felt nice to move my body.  Plus, I did my favorite exercise, which is walking outside.  Sadly, while I was walking on the levee, I saw a young man who began to change his clothing in public.  He put a cigarette in his mouth, sat all his shit down, walked toward a tree and began to urinate in public.  I could not believe it.  As I walked by, I tried to look the other way.  Actually, I looked the other way.  I even put my hand up to cover my face.  He turned around and walked away from the tree towards me and said, “Good morning.”
I walked faster as I said, “Good morning.”   It had to be one of the most uncomfortable moments I’ve experienced so far this year. 
About twenty minutes later as I walked around the bend, the cyclist who always calls me “leather” appeared.  He stopped his bike and asked me, “How does it feel to be a mother in-law?”  I tilted my head from one side to the other like a puppy hearing a human make the guttural “aaahhhh” sound. 
“You’re not leather” he said.  I slightly shook my head left to right or right to left.  My eyes got big; I could feel them, and I know I had a goofy smile on my face.  I could not believe the cyclist was talking to me.   With a big smile, he continued “I’ve been calling you leather all this time.  You look like a woman I know who lives on the other side of the levee named leather.  Her son just got married.”
I smiled.  He said a bunch of other stuff, but I did not pay attention because I was checking out his body.  I was also in shock because this was the first time he ever stopped to talk to me.  The cyclist has a very nice figure.  He is extremely healthy! 
I told him, “it’s okay.”  Then I said something similar to “have a nice day” or “Merry Christmas.”  I cannot remember.  I’ve been drooling over the cyclist since summer 2010.  He smiled and spoke.  I don’t know what he said—remember I was in shock.  He got on his bike and road off.     

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Holiday Party

On the second day of my health kick, I went to a holiday party. And yes, I indulged in the food.  I ate some type of fried vegetarian pot sticker.  I have to give it a better effort because I started the day off processed.  I went to Taco Bell where I ate two fresco bean burritos and a soda.

I have to remind myself it is a practice not a perfection.  The good thing is that the food I eat now to numb my feelings with is healthier than it would be if I weren't vegan.  Before, I ate hamburgers, met pizza, roasted chicken, cheese in all its incarnations.  Now, I eat bean burritos, veggie dogs, fires, and potato chips when I want to stuff my self.

I also need to work on not eating when I am stuffed. 

Today, I did not do too much better.  I ate chips for breakfast, but I did wake up at 5:30, and I went right to my computer to write.  I did not exercise.  I planned to go to the gym and do zumba and yoga instead I got back into the bed.
Right now, I feel stuffed.  There is a heaviness.  See, it is possible to gain weight and be unhealthy while practicing a vegan diet. 
Tomorrow is a new day!    

Friday, December 2, 2011

Finnegan Begin Again

Since school is almost over for me,  I can dedicate my time to this blog.   For 365 days, I will work on incorporating more raw food into my diet and more exercise.  I will soicalize with humans and become involved with the vegan lifestyle.

I began the 365 days yesterday.  I juiced, and ate raw until dinner then I ate baked potatoes with radish topping.  Later last night, I had a mini-potato chip binge!  It is okay.  I am practicing there is no perfection. 

Finally, I got the glass canning jars that Crosspecans wanted me to use instead of the plastic.  do I feel healthier?   I don't feel it yet.

I have a sense of dread because I want to drink wine, and eat veggie dogs.  I want to stay in bed and watch tv instead of walking.

it is only the second day, so I am keeping my eye on the goal.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Aphrodite Open My Fourth Chakra

I have been advised to send a prayer to the Goddess Aphrodite to help open my throat chakra.  When I think about communication, I do not think of the Goddess of Love.  I think of Athena; she is the brain babe.  But, I will try it because I want to let the words fly out of my mouth.  I wish that writing wasn't like pulling teeth for me.  I wish writing was something that I look forward to doing.  Actually, I have mixed emotions about writing.  I love it and hate it at the same time. 

Since I am on this juice fast, I might as well give a prayer a try.  Who knows?  It might work.

Hear My Prayer Aphrodite:
Lift the masculine energy suppressing my voice.
Give the strength to speak my truth
Give me the courage to write my truth
Open my fourth chakra
Blue healing, bright, circular emanates from my throat
The pain in my throat is gone
Speech is what remains
The words flow